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SDKMAN! is unique in that it empowers SDK Vendors to publish their candidate releases on our platform. We provide a secure API that can be used to manage all aspects of a release on SDKMAN!. Such aspects include Releasing a new version, setting an existing version as Default (Stable) and Announcing the release on the SDKMAN! CLI broadcast and Twitter feed.


The API is a simple JSON REST API that allows three basic operations:

  • Release a new candidate version
  • Set the default for a candidate
  • Broadcast a release message


This is a secured API, and requires appropriate credentials to perform the above operations. Access will be granted on a case-by-case basis to Vendors who are interested in making their SDK available on SDKMAN!. If you want to publish your releases on SDKMAN!, please follow the Vendor Onboarding wiki page and then contact us for help with setting up your credentials.


The simplest way to call the API is by using curl. Of course, any other client can be used to perform the API operations.

Release a new Candidate Version

This will perform a minor release on SDKMAN!. It will simply add the new candidate version, but will not make it the default version for that candidate. This endpoint supports POST and DELETE HTTP methods. The POST endpoint is idempotent.

curl -X POST \
-H "Consumer-Key: CONSUMER_KEY" \
-H "Consumer-Token: CONSUMER_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{"candidate": "groovy", "version": "2.4.2", "url": ""}' \

Multi-platform binary distributions

We support both universal and multi-platform binary distributions. Universal binaries run on all platforms, so you need to publish only a single SDK archive to our API. Multi-platform APIs are compiled specifically for the target platform and require an archive per target platform to be published. We currently support the following platforms:

  • LINUX_64
  • LINUX_32
  • MAC_ARM64
  • WINDOWS_64

To indicate the target platform, a platform key with associated platform should be included in the payload. If no platform is included, we assume the value to be UNIVERSAL.

Multi-vendor candidates

For vendors who wish to publish to a multi-vendor candidate like Java or JMC, we require the presence of a vendor string in the JSON payload. This will result in a new version comprised of $version-$vendor, so in this case it would appear as 11.0.10-zulu on SDKMAN!.


An optional map of checksums may be provided in the payload for each published binary. Supported checksum algorithms are:

  • MD5
  • SHA-1
  • SHA-224
  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512

Sample payload

An example payload demonstrating the release of a multi-platform Java binary for LINUX_64 published by Azul as zulu with two checksums will look something like this:

"candidate": "java",
"version": "11.0.10",
"vendor": "zulu",
"url": "",
"platform": "LINUX_64",
"checksums": {
"MD5": "93c9d427af64f2da8c00c9219360815b",
"SHA-256": "0bd85593bae021314378f3b146cfe36a6c9b0afd964d897c34201034ace3e785"

Set existing Version as Default for Candidate

When calling this endpoint for an existing candidate version, it will make it the default version for that candidate. This makes a minor release a major release!

curl -X PUT \
-H "Consumer-Key: CONSUMER_KEY" \
-H "Consumer-Token: CONSUMER_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{"candidate": "groovy", "version": "2.3.8"}' \

Broadcast a Structured Message

This will result in a structured message announcement on social media and SDKMAN! CLI. The result will look something like: grails 3.0.0 available for download. The url can point to the github release page or the version's changelog. This message will be announced to the broadcast channel of SDKMAN! CLI, as well as on the @sdkman_ X feed.

curl -X POST \
-H "Consumer-Key: CONSUMER_KEY" \
-H "Consumer-Token: CONSUMER_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{"candidate": "grails", "version": "3.0.0", "url": ""}' \

Gradle SDK Vendor Plugin

If fiddling with cURL (or HttpClient) isn’t your thing, you could consider using our Gradle plugin. The plugin allows the release to be done as a side effect of your CI build! It exposes several useful tasks like:

  • sdkReleaseVersion
  • sdkDefaultVersion
  • sdkAnnounceVersion

It also exposes some convenience tasks that roll the above into single tasks:

  • sdkMajorRelease: performs release, default and structured announce
  • sdkMinorRelease: performs release and structured announce, no default

For more details of about this plugin, as well as how to configure it, please refer to the Github Page for the project.

Maven SDK Vendor Plugin

If fiddling with cURL (or HttpClient) or Gradle isn’t your thing, you could consider using our Maven plugin. The plugin allows the release to be done as a side effect of your CI build! It exposes several useful goals like:

  • release
  • default
  • announce

It also exposes some convenience goals that roll the above into single goals:

  • major-release: performs release, default and structured announce
  • minor-release: performs release and structured announce, no default

For more details of about this plugin, as well as how to configure it, please refer to the Github Page for the project.